
indicators (key performance indicators)

To improve EscoLab it is essential to maintain dialogue and compile the remarks of those who take part in the program: teachers, students and research staff. With the aim of collecting their opinions and points of view, we have carried out different assessment models.

Thanks to all those who have sent suggestions, have filled in forms or have participated in the interviews.

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How teachers rate EscolaLab?

Most of the teachers rate Escolab very positively. 97% of teachers would repeat the experience and evaluate the overall activity as satisfactory or excellent (between 90 and 100% of teachers select these two options, depending on the edition).

The aspects with most positive feedback are the contents, appropriateness of language according to the age, and the number of students taking part in the activity. The majority of teachers believe that the researchers who have completed the activity have given a clear presentation, have measured time and resources appropriately and have been able to attract the student’s interest, adding new knowledge to the subject.

The most common suggestion for improvement is to try to increase the number of activities, because most of them are filled the same day that the registration period opens in early September. For more information, please review the assessment results for the 2012-2013 , 2013-2014 , 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 editions.

How research staff rate EscoLab at 2016?

  • Unsatisfactory (2)
  • Low Satisfactory (11)
  • Satisfactory (35)
  • Very Satisfactory (107)
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How research staff rate EscoLab?

During the 2012-2013 academic year, we conducted a study to characterize the role and involvement of the research staff in the activities. The main objective was to get further knowledge about their professional and vocational profile, to understand better their relationship with other agents (teachers, students and EscoLab organizers), to know the methodology applied and the tools and resources they develop for these practices, and highlight the advantages of their expertise when performing outreach tasks.

The study arose as a combined initiative between the organizers from EscoLab and the Observatory of Promotion of Science (Observatori de la Difusio de la Ciencia, ODC) of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB). The ODC scientific team Dra. M. Teresa Escalas Tramullas and Moira Costa Calsamiglia, with the advice of Dra. Isabel Ruiz Mallen. Coordinating the project are Diana Vicente Escobar (Institute of Culture), Maria Molins Guillemi (Institute of Education) and Bruna Espar Gasset (Escolab Coordinator). Very soon we will be publishing the results and you will be able to check them in this section.

Evaluation of researchers

Avaluació investigadors


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How students rate EscoLab?

The overall assessment has been satisfactory (59%) or highly satisfactory (39%). 90% said they have learned a lot and 98% said they have understood the concepts discussed. The most mentioned has been the opportunity to see how the scientists work in research centers real labs. Most of them have been surprised by some particular aspects of research and they have valued very positively the participation on the workshops.

Other assessment studies
The study called EXODI (¿Do we Explain or do we Discuss?) was conducted in 2014 to evaluate the students and the outreach activities (including some activities of EscoLab). EXODI was coordinated by The Observatory for the Promotion of Science UAB (Observatori de la Difusió de la Ciència de l’UAB) in co-operation with several universities and supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT). The aim of EXODI was to analyze the presence and intensity of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in outreach activities.

Last comments

ipesquer@ · 21/04/2017 15:17 · Related activity "Vols veure l’aigua que beus?"

He recibido un mail indicándome que había plazas disponibles para esta actividad pero cuando entro a escolab me indica que están agotadas ¿Sería posible realizar esta actividad? Gracias Atentamenta Inmaculada Pesquera

xfarre3@ · 01/03/2017 12:06 · Related activity "La Vida a través del Microscopi"

Bones, m'heu enviat un mail comentant que ha quedat lliure l'activitat però no veig com sol·licitar-la de nou, o fer de nou la reserva.

apariciogomez1@ · 31/01/2017 09:57 · Related activity "Un robot a casa meva!"

Hola, sòc professor de cicles formatius i estic interessat en ´activitat de robotica per a algun dia de 15:00 a17:00. Si podria ser el día 6 de febrer millor. Gràcies

bduran@ · 30/01/2017 09:33 · Related activity "Coneix joves experiències emprenedores"

Finalment no podrem assistir en aquesta activitat, el dia 8 de febrer, perquè els alumnes de 4rt tenen una altra cosa aquest dia. Moltes gràcies.

comunicacio@ · 13/01/2017 10:12 · Related activity "Recerca i càncer: saps què fa un investigador per lluitar contra els tumors?"


Em sap greu, però les activitats les tenim programades d'octubre a abril i ja estan totes les places plenes.

De cara al curs vinent, pots intentar inscriure't a alguna de les activitats que oferirem.


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