
take part


EscoLab Contest «We have an idea!»

Have you ever thought about what topics need to make research about? Would you like to improve certain things that still do not have solution?

In EscoLab we want to know what are the issues that concern you and the problems you would like to solve.

If after attending to some of the activities, an idea has come up and you would like it to be investigated, take part in the V EscoLab Contest: We have an idea!.

The contest is open to group participation. We want you to explain and argue the reason for your proposal. We will assess the creativity in the presentation, the degree of innovation, the approach and argumentation, its possible usefulness and the social importance of the problem or issue to be solved, aside from the ethical criteria.

There will be prizes for the winning students and teachers!




We also encourage you to give us feedback on the website about the activities you have taken part so far.


EscoLab Contest «We have an idea!»

You can encourage your students to participate with their original ideas on the contest «We have an idea!»

Goals of the competition:

  • Reflecting on the role of R+D+I in society.
  • Promote critical thinking, evidence-based reasoning and collaborative learning skills.
  • Encourage young people to adopt a creative attitude.
  • Engage them in the R+D+I processes and give them the opportunity to influence the social challenges, adopting the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

There will be prizes for the winning students and teachers!

Help us improve the program evaluating the activity in which you have participated. It will be much appreciated you take 5 minutes to answer the following survey. Please, note you need to be registered to access it. No personal information will be recorded.




Research Staff

Would you like to organize an activity with EscoLab?

Would you like to present your work as a research centre and explain what you are investigating? Send us a proposal and we will contact you.




Last comments

cmartinez@ · 13/05/2018 22:12 · Related activity "A l'abordatge! Podem navegar a partir de la posició de les estrelles? I sense moure'ns d'una cadira?"

La veritat és que teníem moltes ganes de fer l'activitat, els nostres alumnes estaven molt il·lusionats amb el fet de fer servir els simuladors, cosa que finalment no van fer i no ens van donar cap tipus d'explicació de perquè no ho podíem fer. A nosaltres el desplaçament des de Figueres no ens va compensar. Penso que si s'ofereix una activitat s'ha de complir amb el que es publicita. En resum estem decebuts amb la visita.

ipesquera@ · 13/02/2018 14:50 · Related activity "El misteriós món de les proteïnes"

EMT Granollers

cperezr@ · 01/02/2018 10:43 · Related activity "La recerca (biomèdica) com a sortida professional."

Hola, ara us enviem un mail amb totes les indicacions.

angelsbayo12@ · 31/01/2018 09:31 · Related activity "La recerca (biomèdica) com a sortida professional."

us escric en nom d'en Alexis Albelda de l'institut Banús per veure com quedem per la sortida que tenim pel proper 12 de febrer, em cal confirmar l'hora 15,30? I el lloc de trobada. Gràcies,

mtallad3@ · 30/01/2018 18:37 · Related activity "Programació mòbils Android"

Podenm disposar d'aquesta activitat per 2 o 3 grups el mateix dia 21/03/2018? Seriem uns 50 alumnes com a molt

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Estem actualitzant la nova edició d'EscoLab


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