
take part


EscoLab Contest: I have an idea!


Have you ever thought about what topics need to make research about?

Would you like to improve certain things that still do not have solution?

In EscoLab we want to know what are the issues that concern you and the problems you would like to solve.

If after attending to some of the activities, an idea has come up and you would like it to be investigated, take part in the III EscoLab Contest: I have an idea! We want you to explain and argue the reason for your proposal. Ideas do not necessarily have to be related to the activity in which you participated. Furthermore, the winning proposals will be sent to the research centres, universities and companies that cooperate with EscoLab. If you win, in addition to receiving an award, you will also be guided on how your idea could be materialized.

The contest includes also an award for teachers.




We also encourage you to give us feedback on the website about the activities you have taken part so far.


Help us improve the program evaluating the activity in which you have participated. It will be much appreciated you take 5 minutes to answer the following survey. Please, note you need to be registered to access it. However, it is important to remind that no personal information will be recorded. This survey is anonymous.




You can encourage your students to participate with their original ideas on the contest I have an idea! There are also an award for teachers!

Research Staff

Would you like to organize an activity with EscoLab? Would you like to present your work as a research centre and explain what you are investigating? Send us a proposal and we will contact you.




Last comments

liuva_01@ · 25/04/2016 09:56 · Related activity "La biotecnologia aplicada a l’agricultura: visita Futureco Bioscience"

Hola bon dia, és possible fer l'activitat amb alumnes de 4t d'ESO?

angueliki@ · 08/04/2016 06:24 · Related activity "Entrepreneurship (English)"

Hem d'anular aquesta activitat per què el dia 22 d'abril tenim festa al nostre centre (lliure disposició). Jo pensava que era el dia 29 com altres centres de Badalona. PErdoneu les molèsties

escolab@ · 27/01/2016 17:14

Benvolguda lolyft@, per anul·lar una activitat, t'has de posar en contacte, al més aviat possible, amb el centre de recerca organitzador de la mateixa per tal que ells facin l'anul·lació a través del web i s'activi la llista d'espera per tal que alguna altra escola pugui aprofitar les places lliures.

lolyft@ · 27/01/2016 11:32

Bon dia, Em podríeu dir com es cancel·la una activitat?

ligit@ · 26/01/2016 11:32 · Related activity "Sistemes d'informació geogràfica i les seves aplicacions"

Bon dia,

Acabo de veure el vostre comentari. Suposo que esteu interessats en aquest taller, però no he vist al comentari la data que proposeu. Us prego us posseu en contacte amb nosaltres a través del correu electrònic o bé al telèfon 935811891 i pregunteu per Miquel Àngel Vargas. Tenim força flexibilitat per concretar data i horaris del taller.

Quedem a la espera del vostre contacte.


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El programa EscoLab és una iniciativa de l’Institut de Cultura i l’Institut d’Educació de...

Escolab compleix una dècada apropant la recerca a les escoles


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